Tools and booklets
Tools and booklets
You can find here a list of links to useful tools which COUNTDOWN has helped to produce.
Learning packs- Ghana
Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) Learning Pack
Learning packs- Nigeria
COUNTDOWN Learning Pack- Kaduna State
COUNTDOWN Learning Pack- Ogun State
COUNTDOWN School-based Learning Pack- Kaduna State
COUNTDOWN School-based Learning Pack- Ogun State
Participatory Guide for Planning Mass Administration of Medicines to tackle Neglected Tropical Diseases (all modules)
PGP Module 1- MAM process and roles and responsibilities for participatory planning in MAM
PGP Module 2A- Enhancing community engagement for participatory planning
PGP Module 2B- Participatory planning to increase equity in MAM
PGP Module 3- Inclusive action planning for equity in MAM
PGP Module 4- Reviewing MAM implementaton for ongoing improvement
PGP Nigeria MAM documentation
Costing Tool for PGP
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to increase equity in MAM of medicine
SOP to increase equity in MAM of medicine
Blank template for action planning at LGA level
Capacity Strengthening Training PowerPoint presentation- Day 1
Capacity Strengthening Training PowerPoint presentation- Day 2
Skin Stories in Nigeria
Photovoice booklet- Kwara
Photovoice booklet- Kadunda
Photo banners- Kwara
Photo banners- Kaduna
Establishing community-led support groups for people affected by skin NTDs- a facilitator's guide
Photo booklet- Establishing community-led support groups for people affected by skin NTDs
Photo banner- Establishing community-led support groups for people affected by skin NTDs
FGS Nigeria
Health worker training guide for managing FGS in primary health care
Trainer manual: Managing FGS at primary health care
Training on management of FGS in primary health care- slides
FGS prompt cards
FGS patient appointment card
FGS Liberia
FGS Intervention Manual
Training guide for facilitation techniques
Stigma, Wellbeing and FGS slides
Training package for monitoring and supervision slides
Integrated Management of Skin NTDs
Learning from the literature: developing integrated management strategies for NTDs that affect the skin in Sub-Saharan Africa
Intervention manual for the integrated management of skin NTDs
PHR Toolkit
Supporting equitable partnerships in global health- a toolkit for participatory research methods
Additional Liberia documents
Neglected Tropical Diseases Communication Strategy 2019-2023
Job aids:
Mitigation of COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures for MDA
How to give out the medicines- triple drug administration
How to give out the medicines- Integrated MDA- Ivermectin, Albendazole & Praziquantel
How to give out the medicines- Ivermectin
How to complete the reporting forms- Praziquantel
How to give out the medicines- Ivermectin & Albendazole
How to complete the reporting forms- Ivermectin & Albendazole