COUNTDOWN Rapid Research
COUNTDOWN Rapid Research
The COUNTDOWN COVID-19 Rapid Research Fellowship fund has been established to support the generation of innovative research on NTDs and COVID-19, to inform the outbreak response and preparedness for future outbreaks. The fellowship funding was open to applications which respond to COUNTDOWN’s overarching research questions and COVID-19 research.
In July 2020, five fellowships were awarded- the details of which can be found here. The project summaries, related blog posts and resources can be found below.
Rapid Research project summaries
Willingness to work during COVID-19 pandemic: Case study of Neglected Tropical Disease Community Implementers in Nigeria
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the experiences and wellbeing of NTD Frontline Health workers and Implementers in Kaduna, Kwara and Ogun States, Nigeria
Improving access to healthcare and support services for people living with life-long mordbidity and disability due to NTDs in Liberia during and post COVID-19 pandemic
Adaptation of community members and health workers to COVID-19 in Schistosomiasis endemic communities in the greater Accra region of Ghana
Rapid Research blog posts and resources
Safety Vs. Comfort: Control of COVID-19 in Ghana
Behind the mask: 30 stories on the day in the life of a health worker during COVID-19
'There is a story behind every picture': Photovoice training and data collection amidst COVID-19
Reflections on using body mapping as a participatory process with people living with lifelong morbidities and disabilities due to NTDs in Liberia