Sightsavers prevent avoidable blindness in some of the poorest parts of the world by diagnosing and treating conditions such as cataracts and by fighting to eliminate debilitating neglected tropical diseases such as trachoma and river blindness. Sightsavers promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities so everyone has the chance to learn, earn and be happy. They provide vocational training, help children with disabilities to go to school, and campaign to raise awareness of disability rights. By working with governments around the world, Sightsavers tackle problems at the root of avoidable blindness, such as access to clean water and education and they work alongside local communities make changes for the long term, to support people who need it most
Sightsavers has been working in Nigeria for more than 60 years. In the 1950s and 60s, this work mainly focused on rehabilitation for people with visual impairments. In 1988, in partnership with the National Eye Centre, Sightsavers began to support the Kaduna State Eye Care Programme and National Programme for the Prevention of Blindness, with a pilot programme to treat river blindness. Over the years Sightsavers programmes have focused on providing eye health services to eliminate avoidable blindness, supporting inclusive education for children with visual impairments and organising social projects to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. Their work in Nigeria today focuses on controlling and eliminating neglected tropical diseases across 13 states. Since 2013, Sightsavers have helped 22 states to map the prevalence of neglected tropical diseases so that programmes are accurately targeted where they’re needed most. Sightsavers are on course to eliminate these diseases in the supported states by 2021.