In the lead up to World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2020, COUNTDOWN shared seven mental health pledges on Twitter. Pledges were contributed by COUNTDOWN colleagues in Nigeria and the UK and had prompts of ‘Today I feel…’, ‘I look after my mental wellbeing by…’ and ‘I commit to improving mental health in my community/globally by…’. Pictured is one of the pledges from Dr Luret Lar, Sightsavers.
Below are the Twitter links to all of the pledges:
- Luret Lar, Sightsavers
- Sally Theobald, LSTM
- Oluwatosin Adekeye, Sightsavers
- Dupe Alabi, Sightsavers
- Shahreen Chowdhury, LSTM
- Laura Dean, LSTM
- Motto Nganda, LSTM
Prior to World Mental Health Day, WHO held a webinar on 7th October ‘What role does disability, stigma & mental health play in achieving the NTD roadmap targets?’ Included in the speakers was COUNTDOWN’s Christine Masong from Organisation des Coordination pour la lute contre les endemies en Afrique Centale, Cameroon. Christine spoke on the ‘People, rather than diseases’ panel about stigma surrounding Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS). Further details about the session and the link to the webinar recording can be found here.