COUNTDOWN Digital Engagement Webinar series a success

News article 20 Nov 2020

Throughout June and July, COUNTDOWN facilitated a 3-part Digital Engagement webinar training series, hosted by partner FHI 360. The hour-long interactive sessions focused on the topics of Blogs, PowerPoint and Social Media (Twitter) and were recorded. You can find a brief description of each session below with web links to view the recordings:

Session I: Blogs topics included the value of blogging, characteristics of blog posts, guidance for writing blog posts, how blogging fits into science and research and what makes a great blog post.

Session II: PowerPoint covered the use of PowerPoint for design and research uptake and. The session also included ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ of using the program, and tips on presenting.

Session III: Social Media (Twitter)- the final session focused on the structure of tweets, what makes a good tweet and how to compose tweets. Presentations also covered Twitter engagement and analytics.

The sessions were presented by Aubrey Weber, Tori Lebrun and Corey White from FHI 360, and Kelly Smyth from LSTM. Feedback for these sessions has been very positive and so far, the recordings have over 170 views jointly.