First International Scientific Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases and its Control in Nigeria, 27th – 28th June 2019

Event 12 Jun 2019

COUNTDOWN is a proud sponsor and participant at Nigeria's first ever scientific conference to discuss Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and control with national and international partners. The meeting will take place in Abeokuta, Ogun from Thursday 27th - Friday 28th June 2019. 

Other key partners and sponsors include the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health, Federal University of Agriculture (Abeokuta,Ogun), Nigerian Institute of Medical Research and the African Research Network for NTDs (ARNTD).

The #EliminateNTD Conference 2019 is providing a platform for policymakers, health care practitioners, scientists, researchers, donor agencies, non-governmental organisations, programme implementers and students to gain critical insights into the fast changing NTDs control and elimination space. 

With Nigeria holding the highest burden of NTDs in Africa, finding solutions is essential. Attendees at this conference will share and exchange their knowledge to contribute towards elimination efforts against NTDs. This is in line with Goal 3. Target 3.3 which states "By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases."

Thursday, 27th June 2019

Time: 12:45 - 13:20  COUNTDOWN Nigeria Country Director - Dr Sunday Isiyaku will give a keynote on 'NGO Collaboration in combating Neglected Tropical Diseases in Nigeria'.

Time: 14:15 - 14:50  From the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Professor Russell Stothard will provide an insight into 'COUNTDOWN on WHO 2020 Targets: Strengthening Health System Interventions for NTDs through Research'.

Time: 17:15 - 17:30 Our social science researcher in Ogun State - James Yashiyi Nuphi,will give an overview of our work relating to 'Participatory Action Research: Approach to improving access to neglected tropical diseases intervention programme in Nigeria'.

Poster Presentations

Usefulness of Problem Tree Analysis to provide the factors that influence adherence during Mass Administration of Medicines towards eliminating Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis in Kaduna State - Noela Gwani

Spending and reimbursement pattern among neglected tropical disease community implementers during mass administration of medicines in Ogun State: A differential gap analysis - Kevin Gideon Diltokka

For more on the conference, visit