
11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health

Event 17 May 2019

The 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health will hold in Liverpool from Monday 16th - Friday 20th September 2019. 

The event brings together over 1500 scientists from across the world to discuss ways to prevent and treat Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), HIV, Tuberculosis and non-communicable diseases. Early career researchers, community and allied health workers, programme implementers will be given the opportunity to share knowledge on progress in tropical medicine and global health in the twenty-first century. and grow their network. 

This year's conference theme is 'Under the theme of 25 years: investigation, innovation and implementation'. COUNTDOWN will be using the ECTMIH 2019 platform to showcase and discuss our implementation research from Nigeria, Liberia and Ghana. Find below the presentations you can look forward to:

Tuesday, 17th September 2019

Organised Session - Programme Track 4 (Health Systems)

Time: 10:00 - 11:30    Where: Room 1C

Session Title: Health systems and Neglected Tropical Diseases a policy and practice debate: Inclusion, integration, innovation and implementation.

Led by Professor Sally Theobald and partners from Liberia (Karsor Kollie), Nigeria (Dr Akinola Oluwole) and the Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases (Dr Louise Kelly-Hope), we will be dissecting issues around the following:

  • The role of NTD programmes' integration in helping or hindering health systems development
  • Whether using co-implementation of NTD service delivery with other vertical disease programmes can help?
  • Ensuring inclusive person-centred NTD care through the use of participatory approaches on the path toward integrated service delivery.


Track 6: External Factors influencing Future Health

Organised Session: Surveillance and response systems in geospatial health

Time: 14:15 - 14:25   Room: 3B

Presentation: Use of low-cost GPS datalogging units in micro-epidemiological studies of schistosomiasis, loiaisis and lymphatic filariasis in sub-Saharan Africa - Professor Russell Stothard (UK)

Wednesday, 18th September 2019

Parallel Session -  Programme Track 2 (Treatment & Patient Care)

Time: 14:15 - 14:30       Where: Room 1A

A Major Hurdle in the Elimination of Urogenital Schistosomiasis Revealed: Identifying Communities and Health Workers' Perceptions and Experiences of Female Genital Schistosomiasis in Ghana - Kukula V.A., MacPherson E.E., Tsey I.H., Stothard J.R., Theobald S., Gyapong M. (Ghana, Malawi & UK)

Organised Session - Beyond 2020 with Neglected Tropical Diseases: Leaving no one behind in the journey 2030

Time: 16:00 - 17:00       Where: Room 3A

The Use of equity and/or gneder analysis in promoting innovation in the delivery of NTDs interventions to ensure no one is left behind. (Country experiences from Cameroon, Nigeria, Mali and a multi-country study) - Makia C, Tchuem Tchuente LA, Theobald S, Ozano K, Kouokam E - Cameroon, UK

Friday, 20th September 2019

Session: Mother and Child Health (Programme Track 4: Health Systems)

Abstract Presentation: Participatory research methods to improve community engagement and programme coverage for Mass Drug Administration - Lar L.A, Adekeye T., Yashiyi J.N., Dixon R., Dean L, Thomson R, Theobald S., Bongkiyung P., Ozano K. (Nigeria & UK)

Time: 08:00 - 08:20      Where: Room 1C

Programme Track 4: Health Systems

Abstract Presentation: Following up community-wide treatment  for schistosomiasis in 3 communities from the Greater Accra Region, Ghana -Cunningham L, Campbell SJ, Armoo S, Koukounari A, Watson V, Selormey P, Stothard JR, Idun B, Adams ER, Osei- Atweneboana M (UK, Australia & Ghana)

Time: 09:40 - 10:00      Where: Room 1C