
Liberia Community and County Dissemination in Bong & Maryland Counties

Event 21 Nov 2018

COUNTDOWN Liberia are disseminating results from research conducted in Bong County. 

The COUNTDOWN Liberia team from partner organisations - the Liberia Ministry of Health, the University of Liberia - Pacific Institute of Research & Evaluation (ULPIRE) and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine conducted multidisciplinary implementation research.

The research set out to interrogate what alternative ways can be used to enhance community engagement during the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Mass Drug Administration (MDA). At the work force level, the research tried to understand the challenges faced by the community health workers which affect the effective implementation of MDA in Liberia. The study was carried out between January 2017 to January 2018 in Bong and Maryland Counties in Liberia. Qualitative methods were employed for the study to get the views of various stakeholders who are involved with NTDs at every level of the health system, from the community level, health facility, district, county and national levels. 

The team began community level dissemination on Monday, 19th Nov. 2018 in Bong County.This dissemination will run at the community level between 19th – 21st November 2018. The county level meeting will l be held on 22nd Nov. 2018.

The Maryland County dissemination will take place the week of the 3rd December 2018, with a County Meeting on 6th December 2018.

To facilitate the dissemination, the Liberia team used the services of an artist to draw up pictorials that is simplifying understanding of the message by the communities. 

You can find out more about the work by our Liberia team by reading the below:

Working on the Frontline of National NTD Coordination in Liberia - Get to know Anthony Bettee

Understanding what helps and hinders cross-departmental collaboration in the health sector: Experience from the Liberia NTD Programme

Inclusion, Integration and sustainability: Towards the Endgame of Neglected Tropical Diseases

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