
Dr Theobald Mue Nji

Theobald Mue Nji is an Applied Social Scientist and a senior PhD research fellow with the University of Buea, Cameroon. He is a seasoned researcher with Research Foundation in Tropical Diseases and Environment (REFOTDE), Buea. He is currently the lead social scientist and Field Manager of COUNTDOWN Buea and plays the principal role of implementing the various work packages of COUNTDOWN as he is at the interphase of these research domains. Theobald Nji has an array of experience in Health Systems Research, Conservation studies and is professionalising in the Sociology of Health and Environment.

His vested interest is currently achieving community and civil society engagement in the ownership and management of community-based strategies in the advancement towards the eradication of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Management of Hazards and Disasters and Conservation sociology in which domains he has published several peer-reviewed papers in International Journals.

COUNTDOWN remains one of his fundamental milestones where his expertise is elucidated in Health Systems Implementation research through multidisciplinary action research. He is the social science research lead for the Buea team on the COUNTDOWN project in Cameroon.