Centre for Schistosomiasis and Parasitology (CSP) plays an influential role in research, disease prevention, and control for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths in Cameroon, translating its unique expertise into action to improve the health of those who need it most. CSP has a recognised interest in tropical parasitology, and it serves as the focus research centre for the epidemiology of these parasitic diseases in Cameroon.
The team has vast experience in applied field research and the development of control programmes. It is involved in several national and international research programmes. The CSP is linked to the University of Yaoundé I and assists the Ministry of Health in the implementation of control activities and operational research. The CSP employs a multidisciplinary team, including researchers, lecturers, medical doctors, PhD students and technicians, with in-depth knowledge in epidemiology, parasitology, disease control and surveillance. National-level activities of CSP increase attention to neglected tropical diseases, focusing particularly on the links between action on neglected tropical diseases, poverty outcomes and cost-saving. These activities aim to: cultivate integrated and multi-sectoral working; influence national level prioritisation and investment; strengthen policies and their implementation and ultimately the scale-up of evidence-based programming. Activities include: cultivating national champions; reaching high-level decision makers; training journalists; building new platforms and coalitions; conducting sensitisation meetings with national bodies and supporting their capacity to access, understand and apply research evidence; and through participation in national meetings.