
5th COUNTDOWN Annual Partners Meeting

Event 22 Mar 2019

The COUNTDOWN Consortium is to hold its 5th Annual Partners Meeting in Monrovia, Liberia. 

The meeting will be hosted by partners from the Liberia Ministry of Health and the University of Liberia - Pacific Institute of Research Evaluation (UL-PIRE) from 26th - 29th March 2019. 

The main objective of this meeting is to assess the impact of the research evidence produced over the past 5 years by the partners. As the project draws to a close, understanding what the legacy of the project will look like in terms of policy informed and capacity developed in partner countries is pressing. 

Over 45 participants are expected from Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, the UK and the USA. Preceding the meeting is a workshop to be held for social science researchers from Cameroon, Nigeria and Liberia at the Libassa Ecolodge to move from ideation to finalising manuscripts for publications in journals. 

Four successful young researchers will attend and present their work in front of experts thanks to the COUNTDOWN-funded Early Career Researchers' Scholarship.

Finally, the Liberia Neglected Tropical Diseases Communication Strategy will be launched. This strategy is a core result of COUNTDOWN's social science research in Bong and Maryland Counties.